Tiny White Flowers

Tiny White Flowers

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Artist's Way Journal - Week Eight, Day Four

So, DH is watching "Baseball" on PBS, DD is home from youth group, DS is finally off the computer, and I'm relaxing from having finished my gym choreography.  Phew!

The choreography demo went well today.  It seemed like the other instructors liked it, and liked the music.  I used a lot of older songs, like "Sunny," which is a total remake made for exercise, "Eye of the Tiger," which is just plain good, "Rock You Like a Hurricane," "Too Much Time on My Hands"...  A couple of new ones thrown in: Rihanna's "Don't Stop the Music" and "Hella Good" from No Doubt, for balance.  I think it'll end up being a fairly good workout.  

I also started a new blog two days ago, called "One the Street Style," which already got hits the first day.  Go figure.  

These are my creative outlets currently.  I'm doing these blogs, and enjoying it, and I'm working with designing weight-training moves to music, which is another love of mine.  I've always enjoyed music, and interpreting moves and timing comes fairly naturally to me.  That isn't to say that this choreography was a piece of cake!  It was more difficult than the last time, but now that it's done, it feels very rewarding.  I like the good feedback, and encourage suggestions for ways to make it better.  

I never thought I'd teach fitness.  This is another way to be creative, and over the years I'm finding different ways to teach and it's all becoming more natural to me.  I enjoy the people a lot, and it is gratifying to see the same faces week after week, and some smiles, too.  You get to know the members, and they get to know you, and we keep up with each other's lives, which makes this job all the more intimate.  And for a somewhat shy person teaching is good practice, and it is also a way of stepping out into another character.  Nice thing is, over time that character is really not anyone different from your own self--just an extension.  That other character, if you are honest, is genuinely you as well.  Over time what seems like an act at first becomes a part of you, and very real.

I hope that makes sense.  It does to me.

I didn't write a poem yesterday.  When I got to bed, DH was asleep, and I just reached over and turned off the light.  So, I've got to catch up.  I'm determined to get all 30 poems in this month!  So, off I go in search of Robert's new prompt for the day.  I shall return momentarily.


For today's prompt, I want you to write a "By the Numbers" poem. That is, I want you to write a poem that somehow incorporates numbers. Sure, this might've made more sense on 11/11 when a few of us got talking about math and numbers and such--but, hey, who says poetry has to make sense? (Or numbers for that matter?)

Make numbers a large part of the poem or small part, but make sure they get factored in somehow.


Okay, that's it.  So, I'm going to sign off and get at least one poem out. I think that tomorrow I'll actually have a good portion of the day to work on my own, in quiet.  Just the gurgling of the fish tank, and the cat coming to check on me. Yes!


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