Tiny White Flowers

Tiny White Flowers

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Week Two, Day Five

The rain's settled in.  Fall is officially here.  Today is a day over the water:  taking the ferry to Seattle for a meeting for Crab Creek Review, and then I'm taking DS to the Center for the Lego event--Brick Con.  Might be a cheat to say this could well be my Artist Date!  I might break away for an hour and do my own photographing.  Admittedly, this is something I will enjoy doing, and when I thought I might not be able to go, I was disappointed.  

What are other lives I'd live?  Originally I said I'd be:

a healer
a yoga master
a photographer
...and two others I now can't remember! I'll fill those in later.

So, what else would I be?

a successful writer
a musician
a tour leader/traveller in Europe
a hang glider/something to do with flying
a successful blogger

I'll have to think this over during the day.  

There is not much in my mind right now.  Still foggy from the stomach bug.  Will hopefully catch up more later....

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