Tiny White Flowers

Tiny White Flowers

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday Musings - on Wednesday

Last two mornings I've woken up late, with the alarm playing as background music, weird dreams interweaving, feeling like lead when I finally come to consciousness.

Monday I encountered three mid-sized striped cats, like ocelots, in a campground. I had my camera, so thought I'd get a couple of quick shots of them before making my departure. Two were on a picnic table, one on the ground, and all were taking great interest in me. All eyes on me, so to speak. As that one began to advance, I woke up.

Tuesday I slept a full 6 minutes while King FM played something too soft to be effective. If there were any dreams, I wasn't aware.

And today I was busy doing something in the kitchen while upstairs (in the house I grew up in) the family (plus some guy I've seen in produce at CM) was entertaining and discussing matters with a poetry contest judge. The produce guy and I were finalists. He stayed to entertain, I went back downstairs to work. I awoke with the alarm right away, and went downstairs to make pancakes.

My morning stupor seems to wear off quickly enough. This morning DH had the news on (to check the weather, as he and friends are doing a little cross-country skiing and scouting for a Valentine weekend winter scouting trip). I'm usually coming and going, making breakfast and lunches, packing backpacks, and making sure DS takes his blood sugar reading and gets his shot before the carpool arrives, and I watch briefly as his long lanky form moves slowly down the gravel path to disappear in the rainy fog, or folds itself into the waiting car. I don't usually pay attention to the TV, let alone notice any commercials that come on.

Except this morning I did notice one where a skate-boarding teen wired to his iPod punches the traffic light button, while a little grey-haired woman slips her arm in his and asks, "may I walk you across the street?"

That got my attention.

I'm a sucker for moments of spontaneous acts of kindness. And even though I'm starting to be a little reading challenged and didn't have my glasses on, I could see that the note at the end said in big letters GOOD MANNERS, and something about the Foundation For a Better . . . something. So I googled until I got some results.

Now, I don't watch TV much at all. I spent all of last night listening to NPR's Wiretap, and later Selected Shorts, and knitting. I don't have cable. When I do watch, it's PBS, especially Thursday nights when Doc Martin and Poirot are on. So I don't see many commercials.

What I found was a site called Values.com, and the Foundation for a Better Life. The site had my commercial, called "Crosswalk," and several others as well. I played my little commercial a few times through, savoring the heart-tug, stretching my chest muscle a bit, deepening my breaths. Nice. I watched another one, and was reminded of my pet belief in holding doors for others. If you want to enjoy this too, visit here, at Pass it On TV Spots.

So now I'm off to think about writing a little This I Believe article (been thinking about that one for a year or so, but haven't written it yet), revise a new chapbook, and do some editing. It's a quiet morning, and I fully intend to use it to it's fullest. If you see me on FaceBook, please chase me off of it. Okay?

Be well, do good, love much~

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