Tiny White Flowers

Tiny White Flowers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day Six, Poem a Day, National Poetry Month. . . etc

Today, I'm behind two poems, so I need to do some catching up.  Actually, I need to look through my bedside journal to make sure that I've actually written poems for the other four days.  That I don't already know this can be explained a couple of ways.

I do my journal writing (99% of the time) before bed, in bed, usually after 10:30 p.m. This is either good or bad, depending on how tired I am.  I have actually written poems I didn't know I wrote when looking back through the journal pages weeks later, and some of them seem halfway decent to me.  I don't know if this is a function of age, or just extreme fatigue. I do know that writing while tired can be freeing, because your 'editor' quite often has already fallen asleep.

The other reason I'm not sure if I've truly written a poem a day in six days is that I actually started this process at the beginning of Lent.  I'm not giving up chocolate, but taking on daily writing, which, if I'm lucky, will last beyond Easter, the end of April, and hopefully into the months to come.

By way of distraction, here is a photo, taken yesterday, for today:

Maybe today's prompt could be about something I've photographed.  My dad is still on my mind; mom, too.  Will they become involved in today's poem?

What will you write about?  When is your best time to write?  Your most successful time (to write)?  Let me know, if you've got the time.  I'll be curious.

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