Tiny White Flowers

Tiny White Flowers

Friday, June 10, 2011

What Happened to May?

Apparently, I was otherwise engaged.  It has been a full and challenging journey of late, as DS has had various illnesses and high blood sugars, and a boatload of homework.  He's sick again, with a sore throat I'm hoping isn't strep. But, yesterday was the last day of school and finals, and it is now time for some rest.

I have still been photographing, and working on poem revisions.  I've also, mostly thanks to my desire to find stress-reduction, gone more often to the gym to take Zumba and a high-energy step class, which has really helped.  A month of that, and I'm already feeling positive results.  These are on top of the classes I teach: Pilates and weight-training.

So, before I become long-winded and forget to call the doctor re. the strep, here are photos taken on Mother's Day.

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