Tiny White Flowers

Tiny White Flowers

Friday, August 27, 2010


What an amazing man -
truly inspiring and full of life.  What if we all lived life this fully?

Friday, August 13, 2010

I did not suffer from such things -

our house was never that clean or tidy. Growing up with my grandparents I learned to live with stuff and dust. Both quite interesting at times.

On Poet's.org today:

Cleanliness is next to godliness
by Nin Andrews

Grandma always said.
Most days she met me at the screen door
with a feather duster
or our new Electrolux vacuum,
the hose sucking my blouse.
She said she liked her girls clean.
She said I was coated
with dog hairs, horse hairs,
and God only knows what all else.
Fixing me like a flower bouquet,
tucking in my blouse, fluffing my bangs
and adjusting my barrettes,
she'd stare me down just to let me know
I was allowed in only if she said so.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dream Poem

From Segue, Vol. 4, 2005:

Going Under

   Rain outside.
Breath, a steady tide
      beneath a red woolen sea.

   I am towed below
each exhale an ocean/
      sigh over sand:  

   Ah—hush, you breathe/say, stay
your reading/writing, slide
         into the nether

   world of surf.  Explore  
                                  the depths of sleep, strange
      reef of dreaming.

   Three in the morning
 is coral: touch it
and it cuts.

--Ronda Broatch


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